If you have the correct expertise you could possibly fit your own towbar if you have the correct tools and programing equipment, but we wouldn’t recommend it,
Without the up to date fitting, programing knowledge and expertise it maynot be fitted safely or correctly. Not only is fitting a towbar yourself a huge safety concern, but you could also be invalidating the cars manufacturer’s warranty, so if you damage your vehicle’s ECU or electrical system you could be in for a very expensive repair bill.
By doing the work yourself a vehicle fire, towbar related accident or damage to your Trailer or Caravan maynot be covered in the event of an insurance claim.
Unless you are a mechanic with the correct knowledge and programing tools, we would always advise that your towbar is installed by a professional towbar fitter so you can be sure it is safe and secure.
We are one of the few fitting centres in the UK which has latest Osca 2.0 Diagnostic Coding for both the Westfalia, Autocode and S D Mat systems required to engage the vehicle towing safety systems, built into almost all new vehicles with safety systems such as trailer stability programme, (TSP) parking sensor cut off, dashboard bulb failure integration, automatic cruise control and even connection with the alarm system on the car ! In these cases it is essential to use original equipment style wiring looms with the towbar, we have considerable expertise in this area so you can be sure your car is in safe hands with us.